Izembek National Wildlife Refuge
Critical feeding grounds
Eelgrass beds
Brown bears, walruses, caribou
Millions of migratory birds
Whole Pacific population of black brants
Emperor geese
Tundra swans
Irreparable harm
Petition:Â Stop This Road Through a Refuge
Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is at the tip of the Alaska Peninsula and one of the most ecologically important areas in the United States. The wetlands and eelgrass beds are critical feeding grounds for millions of migratory birds who fly to the Arctic to breed every summer. Almost the whole Pacific population of black brants stops here, along with emperor geese, tundra swans, and federally protected Steller's eiders. Eelgrass beds are also vital for fighting the climate crisis, with a recent study showing they can absorb carbon 30 to 50 times faster than forests. Wildlife like brown bears, walruses, caribou, and wolves live here. Building a road through this sanctuary would cause irreparable harm, and this was the conclusion 10 years ago when it was considered and denied. That fact hasn’t changed, and yet the threat of building a road here is on the table again. Please join in asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect this refuge by not allowing a road to cut through it.
Forests around the globe under attack
Unsustainable production
Deforestation accelerates climate change
Driven directly or indirectly by agriculture
Forest ecosystems
Pushing the government
To promote only sustainable and legal trade
Petition:Â UK: Deforestation-Free Products!
Forests around the globe are under attack, not just from climate change but from the unsustainable production of commodities like palm oil, soy, and timber. Deforestation accelerates climate change and disrupts forest ecosystems, along with those who depend on them. A recent study showed between 90% to 99% of all deforestation in the tropics is driven directly or indirectly by agriculture. Having a strong Deforestation-Free Products law saves global forests and biodiversity. This petition is for the UK, but Canadians can sign it. The UK was linked to the destruction of more than 30,650 hectares of forest globally in 2021 alone. There was a deforestation law passed in 2021, but it is yet to enter into force. This petition is about pushing the government to promote only sustainable and legal trade in forest products.
Salish Sea orcas
20 years endangered
They needed a lifeline
but instead they got a new pipeline
Address underwater noises
Rebuild Chinook salmon populations
Reduce vehicle noise and disturbance
Prohibit increases in shipping
No to scrubber wastewater, bilge, and greywater
Their habitat
Add your voice
Petition: Tell leaders to give southern resident killer whales a lifeline! - David Suzuki Foundation
Southern resident killer whales, also known as Salish Sea orcas, have struggled with noise and vessel disturbance, contaminants, and the decline of their main prey, the Chinook salmon. For more than 20 years, these orcas have been designated as endangered. They needed a lifeline, but instead, they got a new pipeline. The recently completed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX) is projected to increase tanker traffic sevenfold in the Salish Sea. There are protections to be made for the orcas, such as reducing vehicle noise and disturbance in foraging areas, rebuilding the Chinook salmon populations, prohibiting increases in shipping until plans to address underwater noises are in place (which was promised), and prohibiting the discharge of scrubber wastewater, bilge, and greywater in or near their habitat. Add your voice to this petition telling our government to protect the Salish Sea orcas!
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