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Lunar Eclipse
Abstract Painting

A Wild Questioning Moon

How wild is it that we often go through life without questioning it, ourselves, and everything?

We all have our own inner moon made of thoughts, dreams, fears, doubts, and hopes, and it's up to us to decide to be wild enough to question and discover.

Writing and art are imagination and expression combined, so here is a place for this

to stretch its wings and find new possibilities and new questions. 

A Wild Questioning Moon is a possible poetry chapbook made of 26 poems so far. 

Dandelion Collage



Red umbrella outside of subway in Berlin

For years, a notepad on the fridge kept a chaotic collection of scribbled thoughts and moments. With the help of Sammy the cat, these became the Silly Fridge Sayings. Enjoy the random silliness!


A new short story about a surprising romance is being created as the first story to share for you and the moon. Stay tuned to discover how the story unfolds!


I can't believe I made this real! Check out a unique creation of music made from making up words on the spot, matched to a hiking story that tells the tales of the 100 mile hike. Let me know what you think!

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Excerpts from different poems to provide a little flavour of Questioning Moon poetry. 

Journals are part of my go-to gear when exploring and a lot of what gets written expresses connections with nature. Moon Meets Adventure is the intersection of writing and adventures. This is a new idea, but expect designs and photography to mash with tales and descriptions of trips and hikes. 


Hiking can be a perfect activity to produce expression and connection magic, why should it be excluded from other forms of art? Here we have a new creation of hiking videos, photography, an occasional penny whistle, and spoken poetry combined into Hiking Moon Magic!

Moon Art Community is the idea of creating space for artists, writers, or any creative dabblers in expressions, issues, or elements of nature.


No fees and your art remains yours with the option to include a bio, photo, and link so people can find more of your work.


This website is about nature connections, but that is as broad as art is. Whether it's nature photography, poetry, paintings, music, gardening, animals, repurposed items, essays, ideas –  it is open to your interpretation and imagination!

How does nature inspire your creative moon side?

Submit your art by email to let your nature art and creative moon fly free in the Moon Art Community.

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