Two Supernaturegirls walking across parts of Canada.
1 human, 1 feline. Can it be done?
Like always, there's only one way to find out.

A cat offers an incredibly unique perspective when it comes to exploring. What does a feline see in nature compared to a human, can this new perspective offer a way to inspire a closer look at what's around us, and can it help others create their own connections with nature?

Looking Down Low is about the worlds under our feet, the places we walk by or on without really seeing, how something small can be something large to a different lifeform, and how we can discover new insights and connections from new perspectives.
This epic journey will showcase the bonds and connections between cat and human, human and nature, and cat and nature.
Miss Daisy Maple Mudpie TigerMoon Hamilton is an outdoor loving calico eager for exploration. Walking with a cat will not be simple or fast, but it will be silly, adorable, and filled with many memorable adventures!

The journey starts in Newfoundland and continues across the Atlantic provinces. Involving Daisy means finding a campervan to follow us as a safe spot to sleep and for her to stay while I walk in city or highway sections. Her safety and comfort are priorities and it is likely she will often be carried or pulled for much of the route. It's a giant logistical nightmare with many variables and unknowns. Where there's a will and a mission, there's a way.

If you would like to help, get involved, have ideas or outdoor cat tips, or anything related, the Supernaturegirls would love to hear from you!